Unlike Da Block Party, an insanely bad YouTube movie I recently stumbled across, we at Jenkem threw our own real block party this weekend to give everyone a chance to dance, skate and curate their next hangover.
In collaboration with Vans, Chrome Industries, and KCDC we rented out the Brooklyn Pump Track (think Mario Kart 64 but for skateboards) + surrounding park and let kids pump their brains out.
John Cardiel was there spinning records and someone snuck in a beach ball that was tossed around then quickly disposed of (no Coachella-ing over here, my dude).
If you came out to party with us, go ahead and give yourself a congratulatory fist (bump) or something because you helped make this Jenkem’s biggest event yet! And if you weren’t there, scroll down to see all the weirdos you could have chugged sketchy nut crackers with or crashed into on the pump track. Hope your summer’s starting off at least as good as this guy’s!
When you’re in a time crunch and don’t have the tools or ability to hang something up, always go with the ol’ trusty: shit loads of duct tape!
One love! Cardiel rode up on his bike and was sending out positive vibes right from the start. You used to be able to spot skaters by looking at their shoes, but now that everyone dresses like a skater, you gotta check their knees and elbows for signs of scabs. John is still with them shits.
“Yo, I heard you DJ, you gonna drop any Skrillex?”
Shredmaster Keith was in his element cruising around the corner in HRS (Erik Ellington’s new company) with a beer in one hand and a bunch of jewelry and nail polish on the other. Pinstripe slacks seemed like overkill for a block party on an 86° day, but you don’t become a “master” at shredding by second guessing yourself.
Yasmeen came right from the Pride March to get her pump on as Sk8r Moon. I don’t know if she thought Jenkem was a manga publication, which in all fairness, “jenkem” does sound like a manga villain’s name, but she definitely won Best Dressed. The prize is one sticker (cost of shipping and handling not included).
Local artist Doug Aldrich chalked up the pump track with some fun doodles and unusually loud Jenkem branding. Fuck it, let the tourists know!
At the other end of the track was our seldom used R-rated logo.
You know how filmers develop their own personal “filmer faces?” Turns out it’s the same with DJing. Cardiel can only release the good tunes pon de deck if he gets in dat zone, mon.
The lineup included locals like DJ Ashlyn too. Ashlyn is part of Working Women, which is kinda the DJ / Music equivalent of Brujas. She kept it mellow with a lot of trip hop, which basically sounds like hip hop beats made by ghosts.
Part of the party was on an urban farm that actually grows plants and shit, so the farmers were naturally a little skeptical to have hundreds of skateboarders wandering around drunk. But once the skaters saw there weren’t any weed plants, they went back to doing what skaters do best: talk shit about their best friends.
This is how people in New York show love towards each other.
We’ve been known to bring out NY’s most innovative thinkers.
Kevin White with what I guess is the international hand sign for “good shit.” I thought it was a reference to “the plug,” but since looking at the official sign language sign for “plug,” I’m not sure.
The defacto pump track game turned out to be “try to run your friends over.” It’s a fun activity that teaches a valuable life lesson: it’s always easier to stab someone in the back when you stay behind.
Not many tricks went down on the track but this guy was determined to get a photo op. Congrats! You win, uh, this shitty caption!
Because the booze was flowing we had to make it a 21+ party, and damn…21 year-olds look younger every year! With a Jenkem sticker on his helmet, we’re confident this guy is gonna turn out alright, or at least as good as the Monster face tat guy.
Only real New Yorkers point at shit when they talk about it. “Yo son! This that drink. Fuckin’, drink it when you’re thirsty.” His friend behind him was so blazed he heard himself thinking and pointed at his own head. “This where I think my thoughts. But also like, this where my thoughts think me. Deep.”
Keith looked ready to casually deploy the classic skateboarder pick up technique of pretending to be sad. A frowny face on your shirt evokes pity, empathy, and eventually, the getting of them digits.
Gang Corp rolled through with peace, love, and some good ‘ol fashioned doobies. Now that Instagram lets you post hour long videos, I hope Gang Corp uses it to launch Gang Corp TV. Hijinx and “no fucks given” skating all day, every day, for the whole family.
Thanks again to Vans and Chrome for helping us pull this off, and thanks to everyone who came by to make it one of our most special events so far. And to whoever called the cops on us at the end of the night, I hope a bird craps in your latte!
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Dedicated to the skaters and locals keeping shops in business and the scene vibrant.
June 26, 2018 9:45 pm
damn! rarely see cardiel on east coast. rad!
June 26, 2018 11:35 pm
championed by fatboy slim, cardiel’s dj-expression is the ‘doin’ a poo’ (source, muzik).
June 27, 2018 12:05 pm
Yall riding keith dick!!!
June 28, 2018 2:24 pm
Keith is a natural star. You’re not. (neither am I)
June 27, 2018 12:15 pm
Thank you for this guys!! Fun ass time. Good peeps. Good Lemonade. Good hangover.