Most skaters understand that filming a full part is an extraordinary task that requires immense dedication – unless, of course, you’re one of those freaks who can film a part in a week. What makes filming a part even harder is working a full-time job and trying to rally after the workday just to get a tired clip or two.
Derick Glancy, Crailtap’s domestic sales manager is one of the rare souls that is able to do it all. Recently, when Derick wasn’t at his desk doing sales, he was out in the streets and schoolyards getting clips with Jean-Luc Vida’s for his latest video, Not Another VX Video. Derick was able to make use of the weekends and post-work sessions to pump out this very high level part.
Next time you buy a Girl or Chocolate board, just remember Derick might have been the one that got that board in your local shop.
Q&A With Derick Glancy
Do you ever run into Rick Howard or Mike Carroll in the Crailtap bathrooms?
[laughs] Yeah, I see them everywhere including the bathrooms.
Have you ever peeked over to see what the bosses are packing?
Nah, too distracted by the photos and blowup doll, Becky, hanging in there.
What’s the best part about working in sales for a skateboard company?
I get to talk and work with shop owners every day. It’s cool to just bullshit with them. Most of them are super cool.
Do you AirDrop your clips to Rick or Mike in the office so they know you rip?
No clips. Just photos of my monthly sales numbers, just kidding [laughs]. They actually check-in and ask about footage and what I’ve been up to pretty often. They rule.
How did you land the sales job at Crailtap?
I worked at the Skatepark of Tampa before Crailtap. My friend Luke, who I met working there, moved out to California and landed a sales job at Crailtap. I told him that if a position ever opened up over there, I would be down to move out west. Sure enough, something opened up and he put my name in the boss man’s ear. I sent my resume in, had a phone interview with the sales manager, Jamie Housel, and ended up landing the job. Packed my life up into my car and headed to California three weeks later.
How long have you been working there now?
It’s been three and a half years now. Best job ever.
How much of your job is calling shops to fulfill invoices?
I hit up shops daily to check in, say what’s up and let them know if we have an order in the warehouse for them. I enjoy talking to them.
What’s the hardest part about working in sales for a skateboard company?
The slower months are tough sometimes, but it’s all good. I don’t stress it. Gives me time to catch up on other things at work.
How difficult was it to film a full part while also working a full-time desk job?
Since Covid hit, it’s been easier. We were working remotely for a while and now only go into the office two days a week. Makes it much easier to go skating after work. There’s no commute home in LA traffic. And we usually go out filming at least one day of the weekend.
Any tips for people who try to skate after work?
A quick stretch definitely helps. I am lucky though. We have a park right outside of my office so I get to skate on my lunch break. And for the days I work from home, I try to go skate a park during my break. Keeps the blood flowing throughout the day.
Has working in skating made you enjoy skating any more or less?
It has made me enjoy skating more. I get to surround myself with people I looked up to as a kid – that gets me sparked. When I skate the Crail park and Rick, Mike or any of the team dudes are out there it’s so much fun.
What is the biggest difference between living in Tampa and LA?
Tampa is humid as hell and rains a ton. The weather is much better in LA. But, it is much easier to skate in Florida. You can go to anything and basically do any trick. In California, most tricks have been done on spots. I got love for both though. I am glad I get to visit Florida as often as I do.
You seems to have your manny tricks down, is your favorite skater Daewon?
I have so many favorite skaters, but Daewon is an actual legend. I’ve seen him around Torrance ripping. Mind-blowing how good he still is. I think my all-time favorite skater is Brad Cromer. I grew up in the same town as him, Jupiter, Florida. Best kickflip.
Have you ever rubbed one out on the Crail Couch?
You’re going to have to wait for the video to come out for that one. [laughs]
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January 12, 2022 4:00 pm
That was so rad! And I really dig the song, too!! Beau travaille !
January 14, 2022 9:04 am
Dude is literally living my dream existence. I’m sure it’s not all rainbows and sunshine, but damn. Maybe in my next life.
January 18, 2022 8:39 pm
That’s a life anyone with a pulse and a dream would love to persue. Good on you Derick. Keep the faith bro… Sk8 4 ever.
February 2, 2022 4:28 pm
YEEEE!!! Beautiful human!