September 8, 2023/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 1

Caleb is one of the newer faces around NYC that we’ve met in passing but never really got to know. Instead of just bumping into each other at every skate event around the city, we decided to get to know him and go on a little Blue Park date: get some food, play some pool, hear about his new HUF part and film a little afternoon segment out of it. Hes’s a newer dude but a bit of an old soul, armed with classic ideals and perspectives on skating. In a world where a lot of those nuances seem to be lost to time or Tik Tok, it’s refreshing to hear from someone who is living it, aware of both the new and old norms of skateboarding.

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  1. Jimmy Geee Baaaaaaby

    September 18, 2023 3:53 pm

    Nice Jason Lee Burger King bun halves tshirt. Thats what it looks like,

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