As the avenues to share skateboarding have increased – through social media, magazines, and increasing mainstream recognition – the sound of skate culture has risen from a song to a din.
Now that skating has more of a voice than ever, it begs the question: Skateboarders are making a lot of noise, but are they saying much?
I’ve worked as a photographer in skateboarding for nearly 10 years and have been out of the closet for maybe five of them. Never has my gay life intersected with my skateboarding life. If anything, maybe I’d worked to pull them apart – until this weekend.
Right next to the MacArthur Bart Station in Oakland lies the Unity Mart, a 10’x15’ office where Jeffery Cheung and his partner, Gabriel, help people make zines. When I visited there was an electric energy in the room.
The next day was the first of two of Unity’s famous “Queer Skate Days,” aimed to create a safe space for the queer community to get together and skate.
One of many amazing things to me about Jeff is his desire to foster a community. He wants to inspire as much as he wants to be inspired. Which is why when I asked if he wouldn’t mind me interviewing him, he politely declined and asked if instead I could get quotes from some of the other Unity riders, since they’re just as much a part of Unity as he is.
So read on to meet some of the riders on Unity skateboards:
Victor Valdez
Since moving to SF, I’ve almost skated exclusively by myself. Most of this has to do with the fact that I didn’t really feel like I was going to meet other skaters who weren’t going to be homophobic. I would meet some gay dudes that skated or used to skate, but never someone who skated on a regular basis like I wanted to. So I just skated alone.
My first Queer Skate Day was Jeff and Cher’s birthday at Rockridge in June of this year (2017). Honestly, I was pretty nervous to go at first because I didn’t know anyone and always skated by myself, but it was the most fun I’ve had skating in years, and I also met tons of queer skaters. There were so many queer skateboarders from all different backgrounds, skating styles, and skillsets. People were teaching others how to do tricks, no one was vibing anyone or snaking, and everyone was welcomed with open arms.
I’ve been to all SF/Oakland Unity events since and the energy is always the same! There’s also nothing quite like skating with other people, and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until that day.
Louise Alban
I think I first picked up skateboarding when I was around 10 or 11, inspired by the character Reggie Rocket from Rocket Power, who was really the first female I’d seen ride a skateboard. My parents don’t really understand skate culture so that was really my only exposure to it at the time, but that cartoon made it look so fun and rad and I was itching to skate.
I’d stumbled upon Jeff Cheung’s Unity Press and saw his first post on the Unity skateboarding page that he was looking for queer riders for his new queer skateboarding brand, and I was just like, “Woah, that’s cool! I’m queer, I skate and I love this artwork and these boards. I should make a video and send it to them.” So I did and that pretty much started my whole relationship with the Unity squad, which continues to grow all the time!
Kora Colasuonno
My first Queer Skate Day was a sort of unofficial one up in Oakland. There’s just something about how cis het men look at you at a park/spot that can really make a session into a huge bummer and, well, I was so completely *not* bummed that day as I usually am when I’m out skating. There were some cis het regulars giving me and the few other women/femmes in attendance the usual looks, but it was easy to drown that shit the fuck out thanks to being surrounded by a group of amazing queers just being stoked on each other and endlessly hyping each other up about little tricks, big tricks, and such.
It’s definitely gotten a lot better these past few years for women/femmes/queers in skateboarding, but we still have such a long way to go. The number of times I still hear ‘gay’ and ‘faggot’ used as slurs at skateparks (in LA no less) is just ridiculous. We need all you skaters of privilege, people in leadership positions in skateboarding, to make that shit stop.
It was only two years ago that Gary Rogers stopped using “faggot” in a Skateline episode, and it’s only been like a year since a Street League trick commentator, on national tv, called a ‘body varial’ not a ‘sex change’ (which is bad enough) but a fucking “b**** Jenner.” Caitlyn might be a joke of a human, but dead naming her is straight up violence!
We have people like Danny Way still influencing shit, and he’s implicated in his friend’s literal murder of a gay man. Quasi put out a hat last year that says “ladyboy” on it and introduced it on Instagram with the caption “haters will think it’s gay 💅” – Er, um, no, haters will think your hat and your whole company is appropriative and trans-phobic.
Needless to say, having a space for skateboarding that felt completely free of all that homo/trans/queer-phobic patriarchal baggage felt so extraordinarily refreshing and really got me re-stoked on skateboarding. I’m actually more stoked on skateboarding now than I’ve ever been!
Andy Dominguez
My first Queer Skate Day was 9/9/17, my experience was sweaty… and fun. At first, I was unsure to go because I’m not that good of a skater, but I told myself it doesn’t matter what skate level I am at. I’m going to go because I am a queer skater and everyone else there is too. We’re here to show that it’s ok even if you’re not that good at skating yet. This is a place where you can be yourself.
My first Queer Skate Day was at the Rockridge slappy spot, and I was really amazed at how many queer skaters showed up. Orientation isn’t really a thing that comes up often when I’m skating, so it’s been a relief to see so many queers and allies visible in one place.
Mae Ross
I first heard of Unity from one of my friends while hanging in SF in like April of this year (2017). I just remember hearing something about a queer skate company/crew and not too much other info. I ended up seeing a sticker at the MacArthur Bart station, so I looked up Unity skateboarding and it blew my mind. Then I read a few articles and looked at every Instagram post I could find, lol.
My real first Queer Skate Day was the one on July 5th at Rockridge Bart. The feeling in the air for me was amazing and overwhelming at first. I loved being surrounded by other queer people. And I couldn’t believe that there was that many queer skaters just in the Bay Area! It was so relieving and inspired me to skate more and more.
I always meet new people at every new Queer Skate Day. Jeff and Gabe have both given me so much support and inspiration. It’s amazing – they are seriously my heroes.
Tyler Poolos
I first heard of Unity last spring (2017) when Vice I think ran an article on them. I read it was and mind blown, immediately I dm’d Jeff on insta saying how amazing and powerful he is as a person and how Unity is as a movement. Shortly after was my first Queer Skate Day at Unity Mart’s opening. It was amazing and so rad, seeing people who dressed like me dressed out of the “ordinary”.
James Pitonyak
I was walking down the street in Berkley with my friend who kept telling me about Unity and how I should meet Jeff and Jeff happened to be across the street walking with Gabriel – so we walked over and talked for a minute and made plans to meet up the Oakland DIY to skate. That’s when Jeff was telling me about painting boards and maybe putting together a team and asked if I wanted boards and he’s been helping me out ever since.
I first heard of Unity Press and Unity the band, that’s how it all started. Jeffery and Gabe and myself had bands that all played shows together. I really liked all the zines that Jeffrey was putting out through Unity Press. None of us realized that each other skated when we were younger, then me and my friend Stevie started going skating after we bought Meow boards cause we like, HAD to buy boards from them ‘cuz we just thought it was the coolest skate company we ever saw.
We would go skate around Oakland and I think Jeffery saw us skating on Instagram and then hit us up to go skate, just like “omg that looks so fun lets go skate soon!” We skated like three days in a row, me, Stevia, and Jeffery and at some point Jeffery said he wanted to paint skateboards. Then we started talking about how we were all queer and how cool that was for us to be skating together.
The next day Jeffery showed up like “Hey if I start a queer skateboarding company will you guys ride for it?” We were like “DUUUUHHHHHH!!!!” I’ve been skating again almost every day since Unity started.
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November 17, 2018 4:21 pm
Most of those people seem nice but it’s people like the second one, Kora who destroys their own image and the rest of the worlds perception of them.
She just assumes that everyone hates her and because of that she thinks she’s justified in hating them “back”, her paranoia that everyone is out to get her is what’s holding her back, not the rest of the world. Instead of judging all of skateboarding and writing millions of people off as trans/homo/whatever-phobic try to just skate and hang out. Passion shines through and people will understand you no matter who you are, but if you go in all aggressive and hateful you shouldn’t be surprised if people bite back.
Most skaters couldn’t care less if someone was gay or whatever, but to go into skateboarding with the mindset that everyone hates you is not beneficial for anyone.
It just ruins the vibe of the childish pastime we all obsess about, skateboarding is (or at least was) a place for the outsiders and those who either didn’t fit in or didn’t want to fit in with the “normal” world. We are all weirdos, we hurt ourselves over and over again just to get a few seconds of pleasure when landing a trick.
November 18, 2018 2:52 pm
Dude, exactly! All you said is so true, but some people has hard time understanding this and blame anything, but no themselves.
November 19, 2018 2:16 pm
You are definitely right that not all skaters are trans/homo phobic, but I think the comments section here is very telling (seeing more hateful/joke responses than supportive). Straight male skaters are obviously the majority, and we dont really understand the struggles of Trans ppl, gay ppl, and women. Therefore we dont really see how intimidating it is for them, with us on the other end.
It’s easy for you to say most skaters couldn’t care about your orientation, but lets face it America as a whole is very unfriendly to trans ppl, so it is scary to be a trans person in many settings. And you know how Bro-ey skate culture can be. So that definitely scares away a lot of queer and trans skaters. And I know most skaters are bigots or trans/homophobic if you ask them, its just certain toxic language and toxic concepts of masculinity have been passed down from an older time in skateboarding (also because toxic masculinity is embedded American culture go to a college party and see for yourself) , and most skaters are completely oblivious this because its not their problem. The world is a scary place for trans/gay ppl/ women, the world of skateboarding doesnt have to be.
November 19, 2018 2:18 pm
*** “And I know most skaters aren’t bigots or trans/homophobic if you ask them”
November 20, 2018 9:44 am
I get what you’re saying but I do think most skaters understand the struggle of being an outsider, maybe not people who started out in the last 5-10 years when it became the cool thing to do.
It’s also really easy to conflate unfriendliness with someone just not used to trans people. They are such a small portion of the world so it’s not that odd that people react a bit strange at first, but to immediately assume that reaction to be hate is as I said before not beneficial for anyone. Furthermore I think a very large portion of the “scary environment” for trans people is brought on by themselves, not the average person but the activists who loves to fight the “good” fight and tries to paint the whole country as bigots instead of talking to them.
Also what you refer to as “toxic” masculinity is more often than not just competitiveness and standard male traits. I’m not saying the traits are good or bad because that’s a whole other discussion but I do know that they are part of our evolution and just because someone is offended by it they shouldn’t expect millions of years of evolution to change over night, that’s just not going to happen.
Oh well look at me rambling on, I feel like Grosso.
November 20, 2018 3:52 pm
Well said Rob. To understand where these people are coming from you really have to put yourself in their shoes. They experience oppression the likes of which we never have to therefore we don’t understand what it’s like. All they are asking of us is some empathy and to not be assholes. In 2018 I still hear gross slurs thrown around by fellow skateboarders and I call them out when it happens. Anyone who wants to come in and say skateboarding was never friendly/not supposed to be for everyone should focus their board and fuck right off to the nearest sports bar/frat house.
November 23, 2018 6:10 am
What kind of oppression is that Austin?
Having someone dislike you? The whole fucking world is oppressed then.
You talk about showing empathy and not being an asshole but doesn’t that apply to everybody involved? That third girl certainly doesn’t follow those rules so why should she expect to be treated any better than she treats others?
All of these people seems perfectly chill except her, and people like her is the sole reason most people can’t talk about the subject because anyone that isn’t a carbon copy of themselves and has the exact same opinions they are automatically the enemy and must be destroyed. No questions asked, no conversations, no listening to anyone.
People should just be open minded, talk to each other and listen before they slap a label on someone and dismisses everything they say as hatespeech.
December 20, 2018 4:10 pm
Tell that to the shitlibs who run this site. They obviously support this goofy non-sense. Hey come to think about it, THIS SITE has a serious lack of tranny skaters. Why aren’t you covering more tranny’s Jenkem? Why are you contributing to the systematic oppression of dude’s who pretend to be chicks?
November 18, 2018 3:02 pm
Kora sounds like a joke. People can’t be that dumb and hateful
November 26, 2018 6:38 am
Yeah, it sucks that people can be so lame that they’re upset when their entire culture and lifestyle is used as a punchline, right?
I mean, take a joke, dude.
November 27, 2018 8:09 am
What sucks is that they take the actions of a few people and use them as an excuse to hate everyone and accuse people of shit without any basis whatsoever.
November 18, 2018 9:01 pm
its libtard east coast fodder
November 19, 2018 12:55 pm
good crew, good company.
thankful for unity holding it down for our community