January 15, 2019/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 13

This edit from the lads at Hathenbruck is a lot of things.

On surface level it’s a bunch of eccentric guys in Utah skating weirdly skinny, picturesquely sketchy spots. But it’s also an odd creation story of paper clips, from single-celled organism to multi-use metal pokey thing and doubles as a $100 fundraising campaign for the filmer to get himself a new pair of Nike Air Tech Challenge shoes.

Unless you’re tapped into the Salt Lake City skate scene (which you’re probably not), you’ve never seen any of these spots, and that’s what makes this video so enjoyable. Nothing’s expected or feels forced, and for some reason, all the pole jams get longer as the video goes on.

If you need something to calm you down from that Street League upset, or a pick-me-up to get you pushing around outside in below 40°F, watch “PAPERCLIP.” (And while you’re at it, check in on your old MS Word paper clip buddy.)

Andrew Aldridge
Seamus Foster
Colin Brophy
Caleb Flowers
Mitchell McIver
Scott Rutherford
Paul Curtis
Jake Flood
Ben Hannon
Garrison Conklin
Kenwood Merrifield-Nirva
Jeffrey Griffin
Glenn Calvert

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  1. Chris Roberts

    January 19, 2019 10:26 am

    I mean, the skating’s sick, but the song sucks.

  2. Jesus Horse

    January 22, 2019 12:24 pm

    This was better than the supreme video. Remember kids-Skateboarding is not a sport!

  3. Evel Boi

    January 26, 2019 1:10 pm

    Ben Hannon with long hair. Good for him.

  4. publicnut

    January 30, 2019 7:45 am

    salt lake city beautiful!

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