Welcome back, lurkers, to the next installment of Office Picks! The special time every month when we let ourselves out of our cages and tell you what we’re feeling. As much time as we at Jenkem spend thinking about ourselves, we pay attention to other junk too. We like music and movies, we enjoy a tasty beverage, hell, some of us can even read!
(For the stragglers, see our earlier Office Picks.)
Every month we’ll share the nerdy and not so nerdy things we’re listening to, reading, watching, eating, and ashamed of. Check out our March 2018 picks, you might even find something here more important in your life than Jenkem (as crazy as that may seem).
Listening to…
Imaginary Worlds
Each episode is a fun close read into some fascinating aspect of a fictional movie, book, or TV show, like worker’s comp for Death Star subcontractors and why the ending of St. Elmo’s Fire proves we all live in a dream. It makes all the juicy stuff that hardcore fans debate accessible to lay folk.
“The Worst Roommate Ever” – New York Magazine
The headline doesn’t do this story justice because it makes it sound like every other story about a roommate. This one contains a legit psychotic, murderous, and charming nut job. You’ll want to live by yourself.
The Good Place
I was skeptical of this show because it looked too much like a middle America sitcom, but it’s actually clever. Good to tide you over if you’re also waiting for Arrested Development season 5.
Brewing & Pooing…
Weird yogurts
Trader Joe’s has these weird-ass yogurt flavors like avocado citrus, citrus medley, and matcha green tea that as a youngin’ I woulda been like “nah,” but as an old fart, they’re my most exciting hobby.
Ashamed of…
How much time I spent refreshing Thrasher’s home page while waiting for the new Nyjah part to drop.
Listening to…
The Bunt Live
I hate that I love it. I hate the lingo, but then I start talking like them. The saving grace to the pod is the sports chat at the end. I like being able to talk sports with skaters, there’s a different attitude than talking to straight up sports fans.
The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace
One of my old professors lent me this book to read a short section of it. I never returned it and two years later I’m deciding to start it. Sorry Lisa.
Champions League Soccer
Manchester United are winning it all. If they don’t make it passed the round of 16, I might go insane.
Brewing & Pooing…
Sushi with a hint of food poisoning
About an hour after consumption I knew something had gone terribly wrong.
Ashamed of…
Watching Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie and laughing the whole time.
I need to go out more.
Listening to…
“Love if Possible” -Shintaro Sakamoto
Lap steel guitar, marimbas, and soft crooning (in Japanese) create a wonderfully smooth sound to this weird album, something like chrome bubbles floating and popping across a psychedelic, cerulean sky.
“What Happens When Athletes Do the Sportswriting” – NYTimes Magazine
Even if you don’t think it’s fair to call professional skateboarders (like Sinner or Fred Gall) “athletes,” there are a lot of similarities between sports journalism and skate “journalism.” And can you imagine a publication like Player’s Tribune, where the pros do the writing, but for skateboarding? New shit coming soon to jenkemmag.com.
Law & Order: SVU
You know when that infamous clung clung sounds you’re in for a whirlwind 40 minutes of exploring questions of sexual consent peppered with obscure medical diagnoses and hilarious Ice-T aphorisms.
Brewing & Pooing…
Tap Water
After a long weekend imbibing nothing but liquids spiked with uppers and downers of all sorts, it’s refreshing to stand in front of the kitchen sink and chug glass after glass of the purifying elixir of Mother Earth.
Ashamed of…
Camp Woodward
When it’s late and I feel like torturing myself by watching rich little shrimps skate incredible skate plazas better than I can at my old age, this’ll do the trick every time.
Listening to…
The Madcap Laughs – Syd Barrett
Been revisiting this old fav. If you like artists like Daniel Johnston or Bob Dylan, you’ll probably like Syd. Although they’re all pretty different and they’re not the greatest singers or guitar players, they draw you in with their raw and honest songwriting, which this album is full of.
I Am A Strange Loop
This one’s a fun read that deals with the idea of consciousness and how we develop a concept of self and “I”. Maybe don’t read it if you’re not ready to grapple with the idea that you’re just a result of a series of autonomic brain functions.
People Just Do Nothing
I don’t watch a lot of TV, but when I do, I love torturing myself by watching shows that induce excruciating secondhand embarrassment. I like to think of this as a UK version of Trailer Park Boys.
Brewing & Pooing…
Mexican Vanilla High Brew Cold Brew
This is basically canned crack and has been saving me from those painful 3 p.m. slumps during the work week. I like the Mexican Vanilla flavor the most, but the rest of the flavors are all fire as well.
Ashamed of…
How little I skate these days
“Sometimes skateboarding involves not skating.”
Listening to…
Wiki – No Mountains in Manhattan
This came out last year but its been on heavy rotation lately. Just some good ass NYC hip-hop from a true local. Bless up.
Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right
Reading this so I can delve deep into the psychology of your average basement troll and have the upper-hand on the comment section of videos about Milo Yiannopoulos on YouTube.
Black Panther
Go see this for Michael B. Jordan’s performance as Killmonger. Then read this essay about it. Then tell your POC friends it’s Movie of The Year so they know how woke you are. 5 Stars, Movie of the Year.
Brewing & Pooing…
Water is cool. I’m over seltzer, now I drink water. I just got this new water bottle, takes like two days for ice cubes to melt. Pretty neat. Fuck you.
Ashamed of…
Rocking wireless headphones
Feel like such a douchebag with these around my neck but at least I won’t shred them when they fall out of my ear and get stuck in the spokes of my bike tire. At least they’re not air pods. Fuck those look dumb.
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March 5, 2018 1:18 pm
i wanna fuck my bros but they prob not down
March 6, 2018 3:13 pm
Never heard of the camp woodward show until now… I’m gonna go pour salt and mustard into my eyes and ears to try to get the taint out.
March 10, 2018 4:15 am
Ian where the fuck are your picks? You think i got a life outside of monitering Jenkem man?!
March 10, 2018 4:18 pm
haha. i blew it and didn’t get them in on time for this round. i’ll be in for april!
March 19, 2018 3:24 am
Please give me a job, I hate mine. I’ll move, I always wonder how many of these comments ya’ll must get, but serioulssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssly. Failed out of film school, the best. Thank you, I like these office picks, keep it up. I don’t skate much these days either, excuses, but when I finally did last wednesday I rolled my foot, not my ankle, doing a stupid 50 50 on a little quarterpipe at the biggest skatepark in North America, I’ll send ya’ll a pic. Blessings <3