September 7, 2020/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 16

Welcome to the newest episode of Jenk TV!

This new episode is a pretty special one for us. Our good friend Fred has been sober for over a year! Fred is skating harder than he has in years, he’s built a compound in his backyard, he’s working a real job, but somehow he’s still sleeping on a mattress that looks like it’s from his Photosynthesis days. So to make sure he can keep blessing us with skate footy and to celebrate his year of sobriety, Brian Anderson, Raspa, and crew surprised Fred with a swanky Tempur-pedic bed.

Considering all that Fred has done for skating and his friends it only makes sense that we give him the gift of a good night’s sleep. The new bed will also come in pretty handy after smoking some of that green stuff he’s growing in the back of his compound.

Thanks for tuning in and leaving absolutely no negative comments whatsoever.

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  1. Clic Aquí

    February 16, 2021 11:02 am

    Es importante disfrutar durmiendo en tu colchón, pero también quieres sentirte cómodo haciendo todo lo que haces en tu cama, como luchar con tus hijos o simplemente responder correos electrónicos por la noche.

  2. Obama

    October 20, 2021 1:20 pm

    Now that’s goood TV..

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