February 25, 2015/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 44

When I first watched this Brandon Gironda part from the Westchester-based video “duzzed,” I couldn’t help but laugh. I mean, the dude does a double airwalk flyout while skating to Rage Against the Machine, the favorite band of every angsty eighth-grader in the early 2000s. But despite the goofy soundtrack, there’s plenty of wild, what-the-fuck-was-he-thinking tricks on crusty spots that aren’t really spots (check that urban mega-ramp ender!) to make up for it. Brandon’s mix of irreverent gnarliness and unique tricks is what makes this part so entertaining.

Watch Past Premieres:
Fancy Lad’s FL3
Bill Murray
Media Overlord

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  1. DefJef

    February 26, 2015 3:51 am

    Great skating, great edit! Well done

  2. NmNc

    February 26, 2015 3:56 am

    and what is decent music then, all the gay kanye west type of shitty crap rap thts very common in skate vids nowadays? no thanks

  3. Jebafinland

    February 26, 2015 2:10 pm

    RATM in the early 2000’s?? I listened to that in 95. Anyway.

  4. Zach De La Rocha

    February 26, 2015 2:31 pm

    I had a chance to chill with this crew of skaters on our farewell tour back in ’09. Best concert we ever played…the band was bombtrackin and our panache was at an all time high. We were walking the streets in Midtown, high off our own rock supply post molding minds at the venue, when we were approached by a group of skate rats. They called themselves the Picture Fucking Perfect crew and yes they were a fine group of handsome gents. Well anyway we kicked it shared ideas and creativity and a rocking good time. I love those dudes BG, MS, OQ, MB, PH, ME, JW….you know who you are!!! KEEP FIGHTING THE ESTABLISHMENT BOYS! OH and yall owe us $500,000 for those musical rights to the RATM song…..before I “hand out some beatdowns to Punk Ho’s who think they run the game!”


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